HOW I LOST MY GIRLFRIEND. Take your time to read through please: If there is anyone I want to see again, it is that young man of God who made me lose my girlfriend l loved so much. She loved me to the point that she was ready to be disowned by her parents when they wanted her to marry a rich politician's son and she refused. The love was simply so much. She visited me for a weekend and I took her to a program in a church where I was invited. The two guest speakers for the 1st and 2nd days were wonderful. We laughed and shouted fire and even sowed seeds of greatness, and I took my girlfriend back to my house. But the guest speaker that came on the last day was the one that caused the whole program to turn sour for me. He did not wear any big shoe or expensive suit. His hair cut was even scattered. Unlike the other guest speakers, he did not have any escort or security but I noticed that the moment he climbed the pulpit, the atmosphere changed. He star...